RIPPLE is a program of research, training, and activities aimed at learning more about improving linkages between research, policy, and practice to accelerate impact in public services.

Mobilizing research to improve education

Measuring KMB and Impact

A scoping review of research-practice-partnerships


This study explores the literature on knowledge mobilization networks.

Research Design

This study used a five-stage scoping review process to uncover 80 articles included in the final analysis.


We propose a model for understanding the organization and work of RPPs emerging from our review. At the core lies shared goals, co-production, and multi-stakeholder collaboration organized around three dimensions:
(1) Systems and structures: funding, governance, strategic roles, policy environment, system alignment; (2) Collaborative Processes: improvement planning and data use, communication, trusting relationships, brokering activities, capacity building; (3) Continuous Learning: social innovation, implementation, evaluation, and adaptation.


Our RPP model can be used to further study and/or build RPPs in K-12 education sectors.


Executive Summary - EN
Executive Summary - FR