RIPPLE is a program of research, training, and activities aimed at learning more about improving linkages between research, policy, and practice to accelerate impact in public services.

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An Arts-Based Knowledge Translation Planning Framework


The goal of this article is to provide a framework to help researchers think through which art forms might be appropriate to their research translation goals and what methods might assist them in tracing the impact of ABKT efforts.  Our ABKT planning framework is organized in relation to four dimensions: (1) goals of ABKT with target audiences; (2) art form, medium, dissemination strategies, and methods for collecting impact data; (3) partnerships and coproduction; and (4) assessing impact.

Research Design

We have collated examples from research studies—primarily from our context of Canada, where ABKT has been developing a strong presence—to demonstrate how ABKT is currently being implemented and how impact data is gathered in the hope that describing these examples will prove instructive for researchers to think about their own research projects.


We have not yet tested the use of this framework, but hope to engage researchers about its use in future work.


This framework can help researchers make their research more accessible and engaging using the arts!


Kukkonen, T. & Cooper, A. (2017). Summary: An Arts-Based Knowledge Translation Planning Framework for Researchers. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada: A RIPPLE Toolkit.


Kukkonen, T. & Cooper, A. (2018). Four questions to guide arts-based knowledge translation. Blog post: Integration and Implementation Insights. Visit

Journal Articles

Kukkonen, T. & Cooper, A. (2017). An arts-based knowledge translation planning framework for researchers. Evidence and Policy. Advance online version available.